2004 |
Revista Hallazgos |
2004 |
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium |
"LUKE" |
2005 |
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Colombian Workshop on Robotics and Automation |
"Sistema de navegación autónomo para robot humanoide usando visión artificial" |
2005 |
Revista Inteckhnia |
"Segmentación multinivel y detección de bordes" |
2005 |
Revista Inteckhnia |
"LUKE IV, ganador categoría avanzada II IEEE, cuarto Concurso IEEE Latinoamericano de Robótica" |
2005 |
Proceedings of the II IEEE LAtin American Robotics Symposium |
"LUKE IV, a recycler robot" |
2005 |
Revista Inteckhnia |
"Robot autónomo recolector de objetos" |
2005 |
Proceedings of the II IEEE LAtin American Robotics Symposium |
"LUKE IV, a recycler robot" |
2006 |
Revista Inteckhnia |
"Robot autónomo recolector de objetos" |
2007 |
Proceedings 4th Congress of Electronics, |
"Road detection algorithm for an autonomous UGV based on monocular vision" |
2007 |
Proceedings of the III IEEE Colombian Workshop on Robotics and Automation |
"Sistema de navegación autónomo para vehículos de exploración"
2008 |
XIII Simposio de tratamiento de señales, imágenes y visión artificial, STSIVA |
"Modelamiento de sistemas dinámicos por medio de técnicas de filtrado adaptativo" |
2008 |
"Diseño eléctrico de una neurona artificial Spike (I & F)" |
2009 |
XV IBERCHIP Workshop |
"Implementación de filtros adaptativos en procesadores digitales de señales para la estimación de la funión de transferencia de circuitos electrónicos" |
2009 |
I Congreso internacional de instrumentación, control y telecomunicaciones CIICT |
"Comparision of intelligent control techniques applied to control the movement of a cargo ship" |
I Congreso internacional de instrumentación, control y telecomunicaciones CIICT |
"Diseño y construcción de un robot a escala para apoyo portuario" |
7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research |
"Vision system of a prototype robot of terminal port support using K-Means clustering" |
2011 |
7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research |
"Automatic image segmentation by K-Means and OTSU" |
2011 |
7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research |
"Automatic fuzzy segmentation of a color image - an application for RoboCup vision system" |
2011 |
18th Annual International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice |
"Artificial intelligence system of a robot soccer" |
2012 |
10th LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference |
"A robot soccer team as a strategy to develop educational iniciatives" |
2013 |
Tecno Lógicas |
"Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic Theory for a Local Vision System of Robocup Humanoid League" |
2013 |
16th International Conference On Advanced Robotics |
"Comparison between a fuzzy controller and classic controller applied to stabilize a humanoid robotic platform" |
2013 | RoboCup 2013: Robot Soccer World Cup XVII | "Optimizing energy usage through variable joint stiffness control during humanoid robot walking" |
2013 | World Engineering Education Forum | "Plataforma Robótica Interactiva como Estrategia para el Fomento del Estudio de la Ingeniería" |
2013 | 12th International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications | "Locally Linear Minimum Spanning Trees for Manifold Learning" |
2013 | 16th International Conference On Advanced Robotics | "Application of an Educational Strategy Based on a Soccer Robotic Platform" |
2013 | 8th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots | "Current Usage Reduction Through Stiffness Control in Humanoid Robot" |
2013 | Bogotá Robótica | "La Selección Colombiana de Fútbol Robótico STOx’s" |
2014 | 1er Encuentro Nacional de Semilleros de Investigación en Ingeniería Electrónica | “Estudio y Caracterización del Algoritmo de Filtro Extendido de Kalman (EKF) Para el Mapeo de Ambientes con Robots Móviles" |
2014 | 1er Encuentro Nacional de Semilleros de Investigación en Ingeniería Electrónica | "Métodos de Planeación de Rutas y Evasión de Obstáculos para un Robot Asistente" |
2014 | RoboCup 2014: Robot Soccer World Cup XVIII | "Fast Path Planning Algorithm for the RoboCup Small Size League" |
2014 | RoboCup 2014: Robot Soccer World Cup XVIII | "Learning Soccer Drills for the Small Size League of RoboCup" |